Excellent article, Ragen!

The idea of using graphic and disturbing medical "porn" to instill awareness and caution is insane, unethical, scary and demoralizing. I can't wait to see photos of compound fractures in a ski shop, ghastly motor vehicle fatalities while renewing my driver's license, and, crispy burn victims as I pick out my new toaster oven.

But that would never happen. Not the blame, not the shame, not the condescension, not the horror. Why, it's wrong to even imagine that.

But you can do it if you're trying to fix or eradicate fat people.

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Thank you. People have internalized this nest of oppressive media and cultural transmission until the cacophony is astounding and yet only a few of us point it out. At least a few of us are speaking up and writing to dissuade future minds from falling down these wells of oily influence. It does feel like others drill and drill and drill into me until they find a vulnerable spot where they can point to me, individually, as culprit to carry the fatness in my circle. If it was me all along, what a relief. How much cheaper and easier if I just die and they never need examine the suffering caused by culture, environment, and unsustainable stories. Until the next girl & woman like me emerges.

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This is why I value and support you and have hope for the future because you’re figuring this out and how to process it socially at a younger age. That’s important.

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Great article breaking down the nonsense and harmfulness of this type of stuff. I'm never surprised but still amazed at just how deeply entrenched anti-fatness is in most facets of society. I doubt most people who read articles like the one you mentioned think twice about the presence or impact of anti-fat statements or goals.

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