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The state of journalism in these times makes me sad. We need honest and thorough journalism now more than ever and they’re just… not.
I’ve been pretty bummed about all the things lately, but ABPI sanctioning Novo Nordisk gives me a little bit of sunshine.
I resent the drug companies' and drug journals' assumption that we readers are idiots. Thanks to you, Ragen, we are informed and many of us are "Mad as h*ll and we're not going to take it any more!". Excuse me while I look for my bottle of antacids.
The gaslighting!
Thanks so much for doing this research! You're the best!
This is criminal and you’re a gem for exposing it!
The state of journalism in these times makes me sad. We need honest and thorough journalism now more than ever and they’re just… not.
I’ve been pretty bummed about all the things lately, but ABPI sanctioning Novo Nordisk gives me a little bit of sunshine.
I resent the drug companies' and drug journals' assumption that we readers are idiots. Thanks to you, Ragen, we are informed and many of us are "Mad as h*ll and we're not going to take it any more!". Excuse me while I look for my bottle of antacids.
The gaslighting!
Thanks so much for doing this research! You're the best!
This is criminal and you’re a gem for exposing it!