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We've ALL been on the receiving end of every form of patronizing, belittling "concern" that you've

cited. This column ought to be printed up & added to the HAES material for dissemination to medical

personnel & anyone else who might be caught in this particular bind, i.e., not knowing how bigoted

they really are. I think most people ARE willing to learn if the information is put as well as you've put

it & it's easily accessible to them. The sadedest part is ( to me, at least) that the peole often most

guilty of this sort of backward thinking are the people we should be able to count on for unconditional support: family, partners, friends. Because they really DO care, they are most in need of

correct information & help in changing their mindset on this issue.

The fear angle is interesting - think of all the bigots out there (racists, anti-Semitic or anti-Catholic

ranters). Someone- most likely my mother - told me that people fear what they don't know, the thing

or person that's different from their personal experience. Most racists don't know any black/brown/

Asian people, so -- fear of the unknown. Same with us. Most fatphobes, crazy as it sounds, really

don't know that we're JUST LIKE THEM: we have all the same feelings & thoughts as smaller people.

We aren't savages - we're just bigger than they are. (Check out "Merchant of Venice" for THE best

anti-bigot speeches). Oh - and if the way I look ( & trust me - at 5'6" & just under 180, I get my share

of "you know you're obese, don't you?") offends you, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE.

So sorry to run on, but you DO make me start thinking!

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