The elephant in the room. The ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

I cannot even. I just cannot.

I knew Novo Nordisk wasn’t being altruistic acting like it cares about fat stigma, but WOW, they really aren’t even trying to hide this eugenicist agenda.

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So I took the drug that is this campaign is about for diabetes management. When news came out that it was being approved as a weight loss drug at MUCH higher doses than for diabetes management, there was a sense of incredulity in online forums. A side effect of the diabetes drug was weight loss and I remember seeing someone post "yeah you lose weight cause you can't eat." It did bring my blood sugar under good enough control that I was able to get off of it in a few months but it was HORRID to be on. Nothing about this surprises me. The fact that they took a honestly horrid side effect of a drug and decided to market it tells me all I need to know about their intentions.

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Incidentally, has The Mighty done anything beyond what you mentioned in your article regarding its relationship with fat-hating companies? The Mighty is HUGELY problematic in so many ways, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that they published your piece at all. I deliberately never click on links to The Mighty, but made an exception for your piece. Your piece was great! But I worry they’ll double down and ramp up the marketing activities to bury the important points you made.

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They Editorial staff have promised not to do any more social media promoting it, but the executives still have the logo on the main website as a sponsor of their BS "anti-stigma" program.

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Rudd Center moved to UConn in 2015. Rudd Center has some major issues but quite a bit of their work is still better than the typical garbage. I'd like to think that they will learn and change further.

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I certainly hope they will. And thanks for the reminder, I updated the piece to include their move to UConn!

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