Thank you for another awesome piece!

We need a word for the cycle of treating people badly and then using their worsened health to justify tossing them away.

Dr. Emanuel has famously made the argument that he (and right-thinking people) should die at 75 (https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/ ) - a notoriously ableist and deadly notion to disabled people, old people, sick people, and clearly now fat people as well. Liz Carr's documentary "Better Off Dead?" is a really thought-provoking film about disability justice activists trying to make the public aware of how the laws supporting medical assistance in dying blow back on these groups of people. I don't think I understood in the beginning of my own fat activism how much Venn diagram overlap there would be between the disability rights movement and our own around fighting eugenics.

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Thanks so much for all of this additional context Deb!

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Sigh. It’s just all so rapacious.

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I have no words for the fury

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