Dr. Jampolis is the author of diet books, so I would not expect her to respect any weight-neutral evidence.

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Absolutely. It's not just the income loss for folks like this, though I think it's a big part of it, it's also having to deal with the fact that when you admit that you've 'been wrong, you have to realize how many people you've harmed (regardless of your intentions) When someone says "dieting fails 95% of the time...but I don't want people to give up" I think it makes it clear that they are not coming from a place of evidence or logic, but from a place of entrenched beliefs and, in some cases, willful ignorance.

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I'm sure she could find 15 studies, you can find just about anything on the internet, but 15 reliable studies? I doubt it. Plus doesn't her looking for studies to bolster her existing preconceived assumptions just amount to confirmation bias or something?

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Yes! I've encountered this so many times (in less impressive venues), and it's so frustrating each time.

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Yes! When you are coming from a place of evidence and they are coming from a place of "because I said so" it's basically impossible to have a productive conversation!

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Many years ago, I wrote this post. Partly it was to keep myself intellectually honest, by outlining in advance what I'm looking for when I ask for studies. But mainly it was to save myself time; now instead of repeating this stuff, I could just point to this post.

I've been pointing to it for years. No one has ever shown me a reasonable study showing that fat people can choose to stop being fat.


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This is such an excellent post! Thank you for writing it (and referencing my blog.) I've saved it to my list of resources!

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