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As promised in my overview of the Lancet Opinion piece “Definition and diagnostic criteria of clinical ob*sity” that is trying to make “Clinical Ob*sity” a thing, this is the multi-part deep dive. In part 1, we are going to look at the authors of the document.
This is important not just because of the normal reasons (because industry influence and/or paradigm entrenchment can lead to poor science) but also because this piece specifically tries to claim that the group were in different places when it comes to the idea of considering being higher-weight to be a disease. The disclosures and my research suggest that they picked a group that were either already on the same page or very close to it.
Content note: Regular readers know that I typically do not provide links that lead to weight stigma/anti-fatness. This piece is different. I wanted to provide the “receipts” for my claims. That said, most of the links here are chock full o’ weight stigma and anti-fatness and I have avoided hyperlinking those that are problematic, instead leaving the full link so people can copy/paste. If any of the links don’t work, I’ve saved them to the wayback machine so I would recommend trying there (and if they have the word “ob*sity” in them you’ll need to change the asterisk to an e).
As always, I add an asterisk to ob*sity to denote the fact that it’s a term that was made up and disseminated (primarily by the weight loss industry) for the express purpose of pathologizing simply existing in a higher-weight body. You can find a full explanation at the end of this piece. That said, the word appears repeatedly in this piece. I also want to note that a group of experts that I was part of had a zoom call to discuss this and we have agreed to credit each other in our individual writings since our discussion contributed to each other’s thoughts on this. I’m super grateful to the group and honored to be a part of it.
I want to name that whether they are well-intentioned or not, these authors as a group are committed to the pathologization of fatness. Again, they may have the best of intentions, but it can be extremely difficult and harmful to read about (well-funded) well-educated people who believe that your existence is a horrible epidemic and are dedicating their careers and lives to convince anyone they can to help them try to create a world without anyone like you in it. This is horrible, it’s unconscionable, and, in many cases, it’s for profit. Please do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
Finally, this is one of those times when I want to give extra thanks to my paid subscribers. I’m super glad that you are reading this whether you stumbled onto it, are a free subscriber, or a paid subscriber. But these deep dives take hours upon hours of work, and paid subscribers make that work possible, so thank you!
The too long didn’t read version:
In general, this group of authors are massively conflicted. The conflict of interest declaration is almost two pages long. Of 56 authors, only 10 did not claim any conflicts of interest. That said, having a career that would benefit from the recommendations in the guidelines is not considered a conflict of interest. Nor is being part of/employed by organizations that receive funding from the weight loss industry. These aren’t listed in the conflicts. If they were, all 56 authors would have conflicts of interest.
Now, conflicts of interest don’t necessarily mean that people are purposefully creating bad research for money. And they can also indicate paradigm entrenchment. Either way, the methodology and outcome of any research that is conflicted (especially this conflicted) must be thoroughly examined for bias.
They have 56 authors and they chose not to include a single weight-neutral provider or researcher, they brag about having people with “lived experience” of being higher-weight but failed to include a single fat-positive higher-weight person (in fact the “lived experience” folks have significant conflicts of interest and both appear to be currently thin (or, to use weight loss industry parlance, affected by thinness.) This was a hand-picked group and every single person is invested in the pathologization of higher-weight people.
My Purpose/Methodology
My purpose with this part of the analysis is to create a list that explains the conflicts of interest and paradigm entrenchment of the authors. That way when people claim that this group has widely varied opinions on the idea of calling being higher-weight a disease, or questions about the conflicts of interest arise, this is an easy link that anyone can drop into an online conversation. Note that I’m including both current and past conflicts. Where pages were not in English I utilized the translate function in Google Chrome.
I began by matching the disclosures in the piece itself to the full author names (easier said than done - in the original piece, the disclosures are listed by initials only, rather than author name, and were not in the order the authors were listed or alphabetical order. Beyond the listed disclosures, I also did some digging into the ways in which people’s careers/work affiliations are invested in the pathologization of fatness and/or to what extent they were working with organizations that are funded by the weight loss industry (which has a strong interest in the idea of ob*sity as a disease.)
One last thing before we dig in - this is far from complete list. I could spend even more hours on this and find more entanglements. My goal here was to demonstrate that this is a group of people who are hopelessly entangled with weight loss industry funding and firmly rooted in the paradigm of pathologizing higher-weight bodies.
Here we go…
Before we talk about the authors who didn’t claim any conflicts, I’d like to start with an interesting pair. If you’ve kept up withthe media around this, you’ve no doubt heard all about how they included “patients” (also sometimes called “people living with ob*sity” - using the weight loss industry’s stigmatizing person first language) and how important it was to have patient voices.
The Lancet Opinion Piece itself claims “The Commission also included people with lived experience of ob*sity (VMM and JN) as commissioners to ensure consideration of the perspectives of people living with ob*sity.”
I think that “people with lived experience of ob*sity” might not conjure the idea of people with lengthy conflict of interest statements who are employed by organizations funded by the the weight loss industry, but that’s where we are:
Vicki M Mooney (billed by the opinion piece as a “person with lived experience of ob*sity”)
From the disclosures
VMM declares
personal consulting fees from Boehringer Ingelheim and Novo Nordisk
From my research
She is the Executive Director of the European Coalition for People living with Ob*sity (ECPO)
They are funded by Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingleheim, Pfizer, Medtronic and the European Association for the study of Ob*sity
She is chairperson of Irish Coalition for People living with Ob*sity ICPO
They are funded by the ECPO (the organization she is the Executive Director of) as well as Novo Nordisk, the Association for the Study of Ob*sity on the Island of Ireland, and HE which helped created a “Model of Care for the management of overw*ight and ob*sity”
She is the Co-Chair of the Global Ob*sity Patient Alliance (GOPA)
While their website explains that GOPA is “an independent, informal coalition of patient groups; it is not a legal entity and as such does not directly receive or distribute any funds” they somehow STILL MANAGE to take money from Novo Nordisk “Novo Nordisk has supported GOPA by providing funding for an independent secretariat to support the day-to-day running of GOPA”
Joseph Nadglowski Jr (billed by the opinion piece as a “person with lived experience of ob*sity)
From the disclosures
JN has no personal relationships with industry; is an employee of the Ob*sity Action Coalition, which receives unrestricted support from a wide variety of companies and organisations interested in ob*sity care including, from the pharmaceutical industry
(NovoNordisk, Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Amgen,
Genentech, Regeneron, Wave Life Sciences, Zealand Pharma, KVKTech,
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Structure Therapeutics, Biohaen
Pharmaceuticals, and Currax), surgical industry (Intuitive, Ethicon,
Medtronic, and Boston Scientific), behavioural care (WW International
and WondrHealth), and not-for-profit medical societies (American
Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, The Ob*sity Society, and the
Ob*sity Medicine Association); and is president and chief executive
officer for the Ob*sity Action Coalition.
Let’s talk about this because it’s a pretty…special disclosure. It starts with “no personal relationships with the industry” and then explains that he is an “employee” of the Ob*sity Action Coalition. That buries the lede that we find at the very end that he is, in fact, President and CEO of the OAC, an organization that gets almost all of their funding from the weight loss industry. So we are to believe that he is the President and CEO of an organization that is funded by the industry, but he has no personal relationships? It’s almost like his salary is coming from the weight loss industry but being laundered by the OAC. (I wrote about them and the $600,000K+ that they took from Novo Nordisk alone in a single year here.)
In fiscal year 2023, the OAC received $1,771,609 in “contributions and grants.” Joseph received $265,725 in “Reportable compensation from related organizations (W-2/1099-MISC/1099-NEC)” and $17,205 in “Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations”
I’m pretty confused about how this constitutes “no personal relationships with industry” but I’ll move on.
That said, at least there was some honesty about funding of the organization here, unlike in Vicky’s disclosure above which failed to even mention her leadership of these organizations, let alone the weight loss industry funding they use to exist.
From my research
He seems to be typical of people who represent/are employed by these weight loss industry astroturf organizations, he gives lip service to wanting to reduce weight stigma ( but then testifies before the government on behalf of weight-loss industry driven legislation, fear mongering about how horrible it is that higher-weight people exist https://www.ob**sity-interventions/
One last thing - while Vicky talks about her weight cycling (in the “about” section of her LinkedIn profile she describers her experience as “Her journey of weight gain to weight loss, to regaining weight and fighting her obesity daily”) and images online show her at a wide range of weights, they are both listed as having “lived experience with ob*sity” but I only find images of him in a fairly thin body and I couldn’t find him talking about a personal experience of being higher weight. Of course I could have simply not found it.
Ok, two down, 54 to go:
Let’s move on to the
Ten authors who did not claim any conflicts of interest
José-Manuel Fernández-Real
From the disclosures:
No conflicts
From my research:
Researcher and lead collaborator in his institution for the SOPHIA (Stratification of ob*sity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Therapy”) Project which is led by a Novo Nordisk Employee:
“SOPHIA Project Leader Dr Marianne Ølholm Larsen Grønning of Novo Nordisk, says: “ob*sity is a complex, chronic disease and there is still a lot we do not know, both about the biology of the disease itself and how treatment can improve the lives of patients with ob*sity. SOPHIA is an important step towards understanding ob*sity better. The collaboration between academia, industry and associations promises strong and unique results.”
It also claims that “ob*sity is a gateway disease”*sity-treatment/
The SOPHIA Projects “partners” include
Novo Nordisk A/S, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly And Company LTD, Medtronic International Trading SARL, Pfizer Limited
Barbara E Corkey
Director of the Ob*sity Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine
Director of the city-wide National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Boston ob*sity/Nutrition Research Center.
Francesco Branca
2023 First author on “A plan for accelerated action on ob*sity”
Gave a webinar for WHO about ob*sity in which he said “ob*sity is a chronic disease”*sity
Stefan R Bornstein
In this from October, 2024 study, the Declaration of competing interest include that “SB reports participation in the advisory board of Boehringer Ingelheim and speaker honoraria from Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim.”
This study from 2024 includes “SRB declares consultancy agreements with Alrex Alpha and GWTTUD GmbH, and is a scientific advisor or consultant for Boehringer Ingelheim”*sity_Metabolism_-_2024_-_Bornstein_-_Aldosterone_synthase_inhibitor_BI_690517_therapy_for_people_with.pdf
In his bio here he claims “overw*ight and ob*sity are increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, reaching alarming epidemic proportion”
Edward Gregg
First author on editorial - Global Health Effects of overw*ight and ob*sity that says “the global ob*sity epidemic is worsening”
Co-writer of guidelines for Ireland that seek to define ob*sity as a disease who funders include the weight loss industry including Novo Nordisk*sity-in-Adults-A-2022-Adapted-Clinical-Practice
Author committee for diabetes Atlas supported by Novo Nordisk, Pfizer-MSD Alliance and Sanofi.
Ebaa Al Ozairi
Lead author for an article written for the SOPHIA project (weight loss industry funded, led by Novo Nordisk - see above)*sity-treatment/
Part of a group representing SOPHIA internationally
Chief Medical Officer at Dasman Diabetes Institute
The institute is the the sole member representing Kuwait in the International Federation of ob*sity which receives weight loss industry funding
“Dasman Diabetes Institute, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health in Kuwait, Kuwait ob*sity Society, and ob*sity-related authorities in the governmental and private sectors, organized an awareness event on the World Ob*sity Day, sponsored by Novo Nordisk.”*sity-day/
Gauden Galea
Gave a quote to the WHO calling higher-weight people an “epidemic”*sity
Wrote an article making (dubious) claims about the preventability of ob*sity
Director of the WHO's division of non-communicable diseases in which they include ob*sity
Martine Laville
She is involved in teaching nutrition and in diabetes and ob*sity care.
Past president from the French Society for ob*sity (AFERO) whose partners include:
Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Rhythm, Lilly, Boston Scientific, Pfizer, Fit For Me Bariatric Supplements, Len Axis—
She is the leader of FORCE (French ob*sity Centre of Excellence) a network “devoted to development of trials for ob*sity treatment”
Part of the @OBEDIS project on phenotyping in ob*sity!users/200
Agbo Urudinachi
President - The ob*sity Society of Nigeria (TOSN) with funding from Novo Nordisk
TOSN is a full member of the World Ob*sity Federation whose partners including Eli Lilly (their only Platinum supporter), Currax, Vivus, Amgen, Pfizer, IFA Celtics, Boehringer Ingelheim
An Pan
Research mainly focuses on the nutritional epidemiology of ob*sity and ob*sity-related metabolic diseases
Wrote a series of anti-ob*sity articles for Lancet in 2021
“My research mainly focuses on the determinants and consequences of ob*sity”
For the rest of the authors I’ll copy their disclosed conflicts of interest as well as what I found in my research above and beyond the disclosures that might indicate paradigm entrenchment.
Francesco Rubino
From the disclosures
FR declares research grants from Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson), Novo
Nordisk, and Medtronic; consulting fees from Morphic Medical;
speaking honoraria from Medtronic, Ethicon, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly,
and Amgen; has served (unpaid) as a member of the scientific advisory
board for Keyron, and a member of data safety and monitoring board for
GI Metabolic Solutions; is president of the Metabolic Health Institute
(non-profit); and is sole director of Metabolic Health International and
London Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (private practice).
From my research
In addition to a career based in weight loss surgery, some of his work has focused on lowering weight threshold for the surgeries he performs
David E Cummings
From the disclosures
DEC declares serving on scientific advisory boards for GI Dynamics,
Gila Therapeutics, and Endogenex.
V.A. Puget Sound Health Care System, where he is Director of the Weight Management Clinic and Program
From my research
He was the 2017 Honorary Lifetime Fellow appointment from the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (the first non-surgeon ever to receive this)
Robert H Eckel
From the disclosures
RHE declares consulting fees from Novo Nordisk, The Healthy Aging
Co, and WW International.
Has taken $100,951.68 in payments from pharma industry
Take off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Research Award, North American Association for the Study of Ob*sity, 2005
President, North American Association for the Study of ob*sity (The ob*sity Society), 1995-1996
Presenting at conferences on behalf of weight loss drugs*sity-new-data-on-semaglutide-and-tirzepatide-sarcopenic-ob*sity-and-more
Ricardo V Cohen
From the disclosures
RVC declares research grants from Johnson &
Johnson and Medtronic; honoraria for lectures and presentations from
Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, and Novo Nordisk; and serving on
scientific advisory boards for Morphic Medical, Johnson & Johnson, and
From my research
Director, ob*sity and Diabetes Center, Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
This is an actual marketing graphic from a workshop he did (IFSO is the International Federation for the Surgery of ob*sity and metabolic disorders - they are a trade/lobbying group for weight loss surgeons.) As a reminder, these surgeries have significant side effects up to and including death.
![A poster meant to look like an advertisement for a UFC fight. The doctors heads are photoshopped onto muscular bodies, shirtless with boxing gloves. the text says “International IFSO Championship UBF Ultimate Bariatric Fight Sao Paulo - Brazil Bypass vs Sleeve by Ricardo Cohen, Rami Lufti with Almino Ramos, Camilo Boza, AIS IFS Library A poster meant to look like an advertisement for a UFC fight. The doctors heads are photoshopped onto muscular bodies, shirtless with boxing gloves. the text says “International IFSO Championship UBF Ultimate Bariatric Fight Sao Paulo - Brazil Bypass vs Sleeve by Ricardo Cohen, Rami Lufti with Almino Ramos, Camilo Boza, AIS IFS Library](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
John P H Wilding
From the disclosures
JPHW declares consultancy or advisory board work
for the pharmaceutical industry contracted via the University of
Liverpool (no personal payment) for Altimmune, Amgen, AstraZeneca,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Napp, Novo Nordisk, Menarini, Pfizer,
Regeneron, Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Saniona, Tern, Shionogi,
and YSOPIA Bioscience; research grants for clinical trials from
AstraZeneca and Novo Nordisk; personal honoraria or lecture fees from
AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Medscape, Napp, Novo Nordisk,
and Rhythm Pharmaceuticals; is past president of the World ob*sity
Federation; and was national lead for the Metabolic and Endocrine
Speciality Group of the National Institute of Health and Research
Clinical Research Network from 2010–24; and is a member of the Rank Prize Funds Nutrition Committee and a past member of the RCP committee on nutrition, weight, and health.
From my research
Clinical Research into ob*sity, Diabetes and Endocrinology at the University of Liverpool
past Chair of the UK Association for the Study of ob*sity
Past President of World Ob*sity Federation
They are a trade/lobbying group for the weight loss industry who were implicated in an expos about experts marketing for Novo Nordisk without disclosure
Co-author of incredibly misleading 4-year outcome studies for Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug
I wrote about this here.
Wendy A Brown
From the disclosures
WAB declares research grants from Johnson & Johnson,
Medtronic, Gore, Applied Medical, Novo Nordisk, National Health and
Medical Research Council, Myerton, and the Australian Commonwealth
Government; and personal consulting fees for lectures and advisory
boards from Johnson & Johnson, Gore, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Medtronic,
Eli Lily, and Merck Sharp & Dohme.
Monash University Department of Surgery - Clinical Lead, Bariatric Surgery Registry
Past President- ob*sity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand
From my research
“Professor Brown's ob*sity program focuses on understanding the disease of ob*sity,
the impact of ob*sity on health as well as the benefits of weight loss”
Fatima Cody Stanford
From the disclosures
FCS declares personal
consulting fees from Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim,
Pfizer, Gelesis, Currax, and Rhythm Pharmaceuticals; and has served on
scientific advisory boards for Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk.
From my research:
$148,764.60 from pharma, over $100k from Novo and Lilly
Influence peddling for Novo
Rachel L Batterham
From the disclosures|
RLB declares research grants from the Sir Jules
Thorn Trust, National Institutes for Health and Care Research, Rosetrees
Trust, and Novo Nordisk; personal consulting fees from Eli Lilly, Novo
Nordisk, Gila Therapeutics, Epitomee Medical, Medscape, ViiV, and
International Medical Press; serving on scientific advisory boards for
Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, ViiV, and International Medical Press;
leadership or fiduciary roles (unpaid) in other board, society, committee,
or advocacy groups for the Royal College of Physicians; is a committee
member of the British ob*sity and Metabolic Surgery Society and the
National Bariatric Surgery Registry; is scientific chair of the International
Federation for the Surgery of ob*sity, European Chapter; is a trustee for
the Association for the Study of ob*sity and the ob*sity Empowerment
Network UK; is a member of the ob*sity Guideline Update Committee
for the National Institutes for Health and Care Excellence; and, since
May 15, 2023, is senior vice president for Eli Lilly and holds shares in
Eli Lilly, and as a result has had no active involvement in this
Commission since May 1, 2023 (however, to comply with authorship
requirements, RLB read and approved the final draft [see Acknowledgements for details]).
Just to note - she left the project to become an senior VP and shareholder at Eli Lilly (Manufacturer and marketer of the weight loss drug Zepbound)
I Sadaf Farooqi
From the disclosures
ISF declares personal
consulting fees from Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk,
SV Health, Nodthera Therapeutics, and Goldman Sachs
From my research:
Professor of Metabolism and Medicine, Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge
“Teamed up” with Eli Lilly to run a study trying to link being hgher-weight to health issues
Nathalie J Farpour-Lambert
From the disclosures
NJF-L declares personal consulting fees from WHO and the European Commission
(Best Re-MaP joint action [a project aimed to develop and implement
policy proposals in nutrition for children]).
From my research
Paediatrician specialized in childhood ob*sity
Head of the global ob*sity Program linked to the Medical Direction of the University Hospitals of Geneva
Chair of the Childhood ob*sity Working Group of the Swiss Paediatric Society
Provides Training for Novo Nordisk
Part of ABCD (Adipose -Based Chronic Disease) a previous failed attempt to define “ob*sity” as a disease based on existence of fat*sity-An-EASO-Position-Statement-on
President EASO (European Association for the Study of ob*sity, )“ which is currently engaged in project partnerships with Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Company, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer.”)
Carel W le Roux
From the disclosures
CWlR declares grants from the Irish Research Council, Science
Foundation Ireland, Anabio, and the Health Research Board; serving on
advisory boards and speakers panels for Novo Nordisk, Herbalife,
GI Dynamics, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Glia, Irish Life Health,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Currax, Zealand Pharma, Keyron, and Rhythm
Pharmaceuticals; was the chief medical officer and director (unpaid) of
the Medical Device Division of Keyron in 2021; was a previous investor
in Keyron, which develops endoscopically implantable medical devices
intended to mimic the surgical procedures of sleeve gastrectomy and|
gastric bypass (no patients have been included in any of Keyron’s studies
and they are not listed on the stock market); was gifted stock holdings in
September, 2021, and divested all stock holdings in Keyron in
September, 2021; continues to provide scientific advice (unpaid) to
Keyron; and provides (unpaid) ob*sity clinical care in the Beyond BMI
clinic (Dublin, Ireland), and is a shareholder in the clinic.
From my research
Director of the Metabolic Medicine Group - University College Dublin
Presentations for World Ob*sity
Naveed Sattar
From the disclosures
NS declares consulting or
speaker honoraria from Abbott, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer
Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Hanmi Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Merck Sharp &
Dohme, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Roche Diagnostics, and Sanofi;
and grants (paid to institution) from AstraZeneca, Boehringer
Ingelheim, Novartis, and Roche Diagnostics.
From my research:
Professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Glasgow
This offers more specific information about his entanglements, but only lists significant as being more than $5,000
Louise A Baur
From the disclosures
LAB declares serving on scientific advisory board for Novo Nordisk (for the ACTION
Teens study) and Eli Lilly; and speaker fees (paid to institution) from
Novo Nordisk.
From my research
“paediatrician with specific interests in many aspects of ob*sity”
“active member - and former Head - of Weight Management Services, a multidisciplinary clinical service for children and adolescents affected by moderate to severe ob*sity.”
Louise has very long-standing links with the World ob*sity Federation and its former manifestations as the International Association for the Study of ob*sity (IASO) and the International ob*sity Taskforce (IOTF). This includes:
Founding Editor-in-Chief (2005-2010; since then Associate Editor) of the journal Pediatric ob*sity
Many roles within the IOTF/ Policy & Prevention Committee (Co-Chair 2019 - 2022)
Member of the International Scientific Committee (2011 - 2023)
Co-Author of IOTF’s 2004 report to WHO when the issue of paediatric ob*sity was raised as a major issue internationally, including in low and middle income countries. This report was then published in ob*sity Reviews and is that journal’s most highly cited publication: Lobstein T, Baur L, Uauy R. ob*sity in children and young people: A crisis in public health. ob*sity Reviews 2004; 5:4-104
Active delegate/ speaker at ICO/WOF conferences
Active member of the Australia & New Zealand ob*sity Society
NOTE: The IOTF was the organization that paid for the WHO meeting at which ob*sity was declared a “disease” and wrote the follow up notes, distributing them directly to health ministers globally, bypassing the WHOs editorial process
More clear disclosures (though no mention of monetary amounts)
Katherine M Morrison
From the disclosures
KMM reports serving on scientific advisory boards for Novo Nordisk and
Rhythm Pharmaceuticals; and is a member of a drug safety and
monitoring board for Novartis.
From my research
Director, Centre for Metabolism, ob*sity, and Diabetes Research (MODR) at McMaster’s University including an initiative called “Growing Healthy Weight management clinic” at McMaster Children's Hospital
Anoop Misra
From the disclosures
AM declares research grants from USV (India) and
AstraZeneca; honoraria for lectures from USV (India), Eli Lilly, Lupin,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen, Cipla, AstraZeneca, Glenmark, Zydus,
Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Danone, Abbott, and the Almond Board of
California; support for attending meetings or travel from USV (India),
Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Lupin, and the Almond
Board of California.
From my research
Published incredibly similar document in Lancet as an original article “Revised definition of ob*sity in Asian Indians living in India”
Promoting weight loss drugs in the media*sity-drugs-456180-2024-12-04
Takashi Kadowaki
From the disclosures
TK declares research grants from
Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim and Sumitomo Pharma; consulting fees
from Taisho Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly Japan, and Novo Nordisk; and
honoraria for lectures from Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Sumitomo
Pharma, Teijin Pharma, MSD, Eli Lilly Japan, Mitsubishi Tanabe
Pharma Corporation, Taisho Pharmaceutical, and Novo Nordisk.
From my research
Principal Investigator on Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug trial in East Asia in 2022
More robust disclosure on that study: President of Toranomon Hospital; and reports lecture fees from Abbott Japan, Astellas Pharma, AstraZeneca, Teijin Healthcare, Eli Lilly Japan, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, MSD, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Novo Nordisk Pharma, Ono Pharmaceutical, Sanofi, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, Terumo Corporation, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company; grants from AstraZeneca, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, and Daiichi Sankyo; donations for research from Astellas Pharma, Daiichi Sankyo, Kissei Pharmaceutical, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Novo Nordisk Pharma, Ono Pharmaceutical, Sanofi, Taisho Pharma, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company; and donations for research laboratories from Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company, Kowa Company, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, MSD, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Novo Nordisk Pharma, Ono Pharmaceutical, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company.
Wrote article pathologizing fatness
Conducted research trying to link higher-weight to health issues
Kwang Wei Tham
From the disclosures
KWT declares speaker honoraria or consulting fees from Novo
Nordisk, Eurodrug Laboratories, iNova Pharmaceuticals, and DKSH;
travel support from Novo Nordisk; and serving on advisory boards of
Novo Nordisk, DKSH (representing Eli Lilly), Abbott Nutrition, and
Boehringer Ingelheim.
From my research
President of Singapore Association for the Study of ob*sity
That group partnered with Novo Nordisk for a program called “Your Weight Can’t Weight”
Priya Sumithran
From the disclosures
PS declares research grants (paid to institution)
from the National Health and Medical Research Council; coauthorship
of manuscripts with medical writing assistance from Novo Nordisk and
Eli Lilly; and an unpaid position in the leadership group of the ob*sity
From my research:
Endocrinologist and clinician researcher.
Head of the ob*sity and Metabolic Medicine Group in the Department of Surgery, School of Translational Medicine, Monash University, and Clinical Lead for ob*sity Medicine at Alfred Health (Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes).
Guidelines Development Committee, Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of overw*ight and ob*sity in adults, adolescents and children (NHMRC/Australian Govt Dept of Health and Aged Care)
Leadership group, The ob*sity Collective, Australia
The Collective’s conflicts of interest are the subject of this excellent episode of All Fired Up:*sity-collective/
Connected to Novo Nordisk
Promoting Novo’s drugs: https://theob**sity-collective-on-the-availability-of-wegovy-in-australia/
W Timothy Garvey
From the disclosures
WTG declares consulting
fees as a member of advisory boards for Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly,
Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Fractyl Health, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inogen,
Zealand Pharma, Allurion, Carmot Therapeutics (Roche), Regeneron,
and Merck; research grants as a site principal investigator for
multicentre clinical trials sponsored by his university and funded by
Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Epitomee, Neurovalens, and Pfizer; has served as
a consultant on an advisory board for the non-profit Milken Foundation;
and is a member of the data monitoring committee for phase 3 clinical
trials conducted by Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly.
From my research:
“Another of Dr. Garvey’s key interests is the understanding of ob*sity as a disease and the advancement of medical models to improve the care of people with ob*sity. He was the lead author on the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology/American College of Endocrinology (AACE/ACE) clinical practice guidelines for ob*sity; a coauthor of the AACE/ACE diabetes and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis guidelines and the bariatric surgery guidelines of AACE/ACE, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and The Ob*sity Society; and a coauthor of the American Diabetes Association’s 2019 nutrition recommendations. He also authored the position statement affirming “adiposity-based chronic disease” (ABCD) as the diagnostic term for ob*sity, which has been endorsed by both AACE/ACE and the European Association for the Study of Ob*sity. He has since proposed a medically actionable classification system (i.e., International Classification of Diabetes codes) for ABCD and has helped to address the rational use of newer second-generation ob*sity medications within the context of a complications-centric approach to ob*sity care. In addition, he established the cardiometabolic disease staging approach to risk prediction for both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease to guide the intensity of preventive interventions.”
John P Kirwan
From the disclosures
JPK declares research grants from the US National Institutes of Health
(grants U54, U01, and U54 GM104940 that could be indirectly linked to
the work of this Commission); and honoraria for serving on scientific
advisory boards of Novo Nordisk and the Annual Reviews of Nutrition.
From my research
“primary interest is to investigate the role of insulin resistance as an underlying cause of chronic disease, including ob*sity”
Hermann Toplak
From the disclosures
HT declares research grants from Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim,
Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk; serving on advisory boards
for Novo Nordisk, Daiichi Sankyo, and Novartis; and speakers fees from
Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk.
From my research
In 2015 he was lead author on a statement promoting the use of weight loss drugs for EASO (the European Association for the Study of Ob*sity) which is currently engaged in project partnerships with Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Company, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer.”)*sity-drugs.pdf
In 2019, co-author of EASO-funded paper teaching General Practitioners to prescribe weight loss
Alexander Kokkinos
From the disclosures
AK declares research grants from Novo
Nordisk, ELPEN Pharma, and Pharmaserve–Lilly; serving on scientific
advisory boards for Novo Nordisk, Pharmaserve–Lilly, Sanofi, and
Boehringher Ingelheim; and honoraria for lectures by Novo Nordisk,
Pharmaserve–Lilly, AstraZeneca, MSD, Sanofi, Bausch Health, Ethicon,
Galenica Pharma, Epsilon Health, and Winmedica.
From my research
Co-author of incredibly misleading 4-year outcome studies for Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug
I wrote about this here
International Fellow of the SCOPE Ob*sity Certification Program organized by the World Ob*sity Federation whose partners including Eli Lilly (their only Platinum supporter), Currax, Vivus, Amgen, Pfizer, IFA Celtics, Boehringer Ingelheim
Robert F Kushner
From the disclosures
RFK declares consulting fees from Novo Nordisk,
Weight Watchers, Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, Altimmune,
Structure, and Regeneron.
From my research
These disclosures just don’t do him justice. He is so deeply imbedded in the weight loss industry that I could write a piece almost this long just about him. He has made a fortune selling weight loss books while taking money from the weight loss industry hand over fist.
His bio claims He has written (or edited) 15 books on overw*ight, ob*sity and nutrition.
His first book in 2003 was “Dr. Kushner’s Personality Type Diet” his most recent “Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!
His bio also claims that “Dr. Kushner has a unique skillset to help you reach your weight loss goals.”
If this is true, then why does he need to keep writing books and authoring articles? Why the need for this article at all, if Robert has a unique skillset to help everyone reach their weight loss goals?
Just between 2017 and 2023, took $768,196.67 from the pharma/medical device industry
Co-author of the Edmonton Ob*sity Staging System which is a failed previous attempt to do what this article is trying to do in terms of defining having health issues while fat as a “disease”
I wrote about this previously.
Co-author of incredibly misleading 4-year outcome studies for Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug
I wrote about this here
Past president of industry group The Ob*sity Society
I wrote about them previously
Jonathan Valabhji
From the disclosures
JV was national clinical director for diabetes and ob*sity at NHS England from
April, 2013, to September, 2023; declares funding support from the
North West London National Institute for Health and Care Research
Applied Research Collaboration, CW+ (the official charity of Chelsea and
Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), European Commission
Horizon Europe 2022, and UK Research and Innovation Horizon
From my research
Served as the National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Ob*sity at NHS England. He Established the NHS England Diabetes and Ob*sity Programmes
“In 2019, the NHS published a Long-Term Plan which included a section on ob*sity, thanks to Professor Valabhji and his team, which led onto the establishment of the NHS England Ob*sity team and work streams, including the new National Ob*sity Audit”
Matthias Blüher
From the disclosures
MB declares personal honoraria as a consultant and speaker
from Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Daiichi
Sankyo, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi. ML declares
personal consulting fees from, and has served on scientific boards for,
Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, and Eli Lilly.
From my research
Professor of clinical ob*sity research at the University of Leipzig,
Heads the Ob*sity Outpatient Clinic for Adults
Serves as Director of the Helmholtz Institute for Metabolism, Ob*sity, and Vascular Research (HI-MAG), which he co-founded in 2018
Wrote articles about “ob*sity diagnostics” for Novo Nordisk’s “Rethinking Ob*sity” tool that aims to teach doctors how to prescribe weight loss
Sits on the Novo Nordisk Foundation Committee on Endocrinology and Metabolism which decides on $170 million in grants
Harvey J Grill
From the disclosures
HJG declares consulting fees from
Gila Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer.
From my research
University of Pennsylvania - Director, Ob*sity Unit, Institute of Diabetes, Ob*sity and Metabolism
Bio claims “Ob*sity, like hypertension, diabetes, and bipolar disorder, is a chronic recurring disease that requires chronic treatment.”
Eric Ravussin
From the disclosures
ER declares research grants from Eli Lilly and
Novo Nordisk; and consulting fees from Energesis Pharmaceuticals,
Eli Lilly, Amway, Kintai Therapeutics, YSOPIA Bioscience (previously
LNC Therapeutics), CINFINA Pharmaceuticals, and Boehringer
From my research
Bio says “Dr. Ravussin is a world expert in the conduct of translational research in ob*sity”
Editor-in-Chief of Ob*sity a journal created and run by weight-loss industry funded organization TOS (The Ob*sity Society). https://www.ob*
I wrote about them previously
Noor B Al Busaidi
From the disclosures
NBAB declares research grants from NovoNordisk and AstraZeneca; and
honoraria for lectures and presentations from Novo Nordisk, Boehringer
Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Merck, MSD, Sanofi, and Servier.
From my research
Co author - Ob*sity National clinical management guidelines for Oman*sity_National_clinical_management_guidelines
Nasreen F Alfaris
From the disclosures
NFA declares personal consulting fees from Ethicon and Eli Lilly; and serving on scientific advisory boards for Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly
From my research
“Dr. Alfaris is an Endocrinologist specializing in Ob*sity Medicine…is currently involved in the Boston Ob*sity Medicine Course, educating healthcare professionals on ob*sity management….At UPenn's Center for Weight and Eating Disorders (CWED), she researched the role of weight loss medication in maintaining weight after behavioral weight loss programs.”
A member of the World Ob*sity Federation’s Gulf and Lebanon Steering Committee, helping to create regional ob*sity management guidelines. The WOF’s partners including Eli Lilly (their only Platinum supporter), Currax, Vivus, Amgen, Pfizer, IFA Celtics, Boehringer Ingelheim
Lena M S Carlsson
From the disclosures
LMSC declares consultancy fees from Antaros Medical
From my research
Lead author on 2020 weight loss surgery study with these disclosures “ Dr. L. Carlsson reports receiving consulting fees from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Systems and grant support, paid to her institution, from the Novo Nordisk Foundation”
Significant research around weight and specifically weight loss surgery
Karine Clément
From the disclosures
KC is a primary investigator for Rhythm
Pharmaceuticals, Bioprojects, and Integrative Phenomic (SME) trials;
declares support for attending meetings or travel from Rhythm
Pharmaceuticals and Novo Nordisk; and received research grants or
support from Rhythm Pharmaceuticals to conduct research or deliver
lectures via Institutions (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris,
Sorbonne Université).
From my research
She is President of the French Association for the Study of Ob*sity (AFERO)
whose partners include:
Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Rhythm, Lilly, Boston Scientific, Pfizer, Fit For Me Bariatric Supplements, Len Axis—
She won the Jacobæus Prize 2020 worth €200,000 (about US$208,832.10) for her clinical research in metabolic disease from the Novo Nordisk foundation
Jean-Pierre Després
From the disclosures
J-PD declares grants
from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; and personal
consulting fees from INVERSAGO Pharma as a member of the advisory
From my research
Bio calls “ob*sity” and “epidemic”
Taught a workshop funded by Novo
John B Dixon
From the disclosures
JBD declares personal consulting fees from Reshape
Lifescience, and Nestle Health Science Australia; serving on advisory
boards and speaker panels for Reshape Lifescience, Nestle Health
Science Australia, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and I-nova; and speaker fees
from HealthED and Eurodrug Laboratories.
From my research
Professorial Research Fellow in Clinical Ob*sity Research…Professor Dixon has concentrated on ob*sity research since 1998
Member of the scientific advisory council of Ob*sity Australia (Now the Ob*sity Collective) Louise Adams talked about this on the All Fired Up Podcast
Was president of ANZOS 2007-2009.
ANZOS is the Australia and New Zealand Ob*sity Society
2024 Conference- Platinum Funder - Novo Nordisk, Gold sponsor - Eli Lilly, Silver Sponsor - Boehringer Ingelheim,
Co-Editor in Chief of Current Ob*sity Reports
He is Associate Editor of Clinical Ob*sity, Ob*sity Surgery, and SOARD and is on the editorial boards of Nutrition and Diabetes, Bariatric News, Diabesity in Practice, and Ob*sity Science and practice.
Lee M Kaplan
From the disclosures
LMK declares participation on advisory boards for
Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly; and consulting fees from
Altimmune, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Cytoki,\
Ethicon, Glyscend, Kallyope, Eli Lilly, Neurogastrx, Novo Nordisk,
Optum Health, Perspectum, Pfizer, Sidekick Health, Xeno Biosciences,
and Zealand Pharma.
From my research
Dr. Lee M. Kaplan is director of the Ob*sity, Metabolism & Nutrition Institute and founding director of the Weight Center at Massachusetts General Hospital
”He has a special interest in the causes and complications of ob*sity and the development of new and more effective preventive strategies and therapies for this disease”
Past Chair, Bariatric Surgery Section, The Ob*sity Society
I wrote about them and their weight loss industry funding previously
Past Chair, Campaign to End Ob*sity
This organization sought to fundraise to influence the government on behalf of weight loss interventions*
Blandine Laferrère
From the disclosures
BL declares research grants from US National Institutes of Health (not related to this Commission); and personal consulting fees from UpToDate.
From my research
“With continuous NIH funding since 1998, she studies the mechanism by which ob*sity can lead to type 2 diabetes and how various types of weight loss interventions can improve metabolism or even put diabetes in remission”
“The current research in the Laferrère laboratory includes studies to understand how time restricted eating results in weight loss “
Soo Lim
From the disclosures
SL declares research grants from Merck
Sharp & Dohme, Novo Nordisk, and LG Chem; and honoraria as a
consultant or speaker for AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Abbott,
LG Chem, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Chong Kun Dang
Pharmaceutical, and Novo Nordisk.
From my research
Co--author of Novo Nordisk’s weight loss trial in East Asia
He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Ob*sity and Metabolic Syndrome (JOMES)
Jesús R Luna Fuentes
From the disclosures
JRLF declares
personal consulting or speaker fees from Novo Nordisk, IFA Celtics,
Eli Lilly, and Merck.
From my research
President of the Mexican Ob*sity Society which is a member of the World Ob*sity Federation (WOF)
Representative of Mexico for the World Ob*sity Federation
WOF partners include Eli Lilly (their only Platinum supporter), Currax, Vivus, Amgen, Pfizer, IFA Celtics, Boehringer Ingelheim
Representative of Mexico for the Regional Scientific Committee of the Canadian Ob*sity Network (Now Ob*sity Canada - which is sad because Canadian Ob*sity Network had my favorite acronyms for one of these things.) Their partners including Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Nestle Optifast, Pfizer, TOPS (Taking off Pounds Sensibly), and Weight Watchers
Magdalena Olszanecka-Glinianowicz
From the disclosures
MO-G declares research grants from Adamed Poland;
personal consulting fees from Baush Health, Novo Nordisk, and Promed
Poland; and serving on scientific advisory boards for Baush Health, Novo
Nordisk, and Boehringer Ingelheim.
From my research
The Head of the Department of Health Promotion and Ob*sity Management at the Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland,
Member of the General Council, a European Association for the Study of Ob*sity which is currently engaged in project partnerships with Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Company, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer.”)
President of the Polish Association for the Study of Ob*sity
Lead author of Ob*sity in Adults: Position Statement of Polish Association for the Study on Ob*sity, Polish Association of Endocrinology, Polish Association of Cardiodiabetology, Polish Psychiatric Association, Section of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery of the Association of Polish Surgeons, and the College of Family Physicians in Poland
Francois Pattou
From the disclosures
FP declares personal
consulting fees from Medtronic, Ethicon, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly.
From my research
Coordinator of the Integrated Ob*sity Center – CHU Lille
LinkedIn skills include weight loss surgery
Philip R Schauer
From the disclosures
PRS declares research grants from
Ethicon and Medtronic; personal consulting fees or honoraria from
GI Dynamics, Keyron, Persona, Mediflix, Metabolic Health
International, Eli Lilly, Heron, Novo Nordisk, and Klens; serving on
scientific advisory boards for SE Healthcare Board of Directors,
GI Dynamics, Keyron, Persona, and Mediflix; and has ownership
interest in SE Healthcare, Mediflix, and Metabolic Health International
From my research
Weight loss surgeon
Director of the Bariatric and Metabolic Initiative at Pennington Biomedical Research Institute of Louisiana State University
President of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
Their “corporate council” includes Medtronic, Boehringer, Reshape Lifesciences, Celebrate Vitamins, Gore and Associates, Health Economic Advisors, Novo Nordisk, Standard Bariatrics, Seca corporation, Procare Health
Former Chair and founder of Ob*sity Week (2012-present)
Weight loss industry funded - I wrote about it here
Matthias H Tschöp
From the disclosures
MHT declares participation
in a scientific advisory board meeting of ERX Pharmaceuticals
(Cambridge, MA, USA) in 2019; was a member of the Research Cluster
Advisory Panel of the Novo Nordisk Foundation between 2017 and 2019;
funding for research projects from Novo Nordisk (2016–20) and Sanofi-
Aventis (2012–19); consulted twice for Boehringer Ingelheim (2020 and
2021); delivered scientific lectures for Sanofi-Aventis (2020), Boehringer
Ingelheim (2024), and AstraZeneca (2024); is cofounder of the biotech
startups Ghrelco and Bluewater Biotech (2024); is chief executive officer
and chief scientific officer of Helmholtz Munich, and is co-responsible
for countless collaborations of the employees with a multitude of
companies and institutions worldwide (in this capacity, discusses
potential projects with and signs contracts for the centres institutes
related to research collaborations worldwide, including, but not limited
to, pharmaceutical corporations such as Boehringer Ingelheim, Novo
Nordisk, Roche Diagnostics, Arbormed, Eli Lilly, and SCG Cell Therapy,
and as chief scientific officer is responsible for commercial technology
transfer activities); and is a former member of the scientific advisory
board of ERX, which is developing the drug celastrol, but has no current
competing interests.
From my research
In a 2023 interview promoting weight loss drugs he said “Ob*sity basically is a brain disease”
He also said ““Our researchers at Helmholtz Munich are driven to deliver breakthrough solutions for human health and a healthier society…We started to work on the next generation of personalized drugs to enable metabolic precision medicine in the future.”
Maria T van der Merwe
From the disclosures
MTvdM declares past consulting fees from Netcare
PTY and Novo Nordisk.
From my resaerch
Authored a paper called “Ob*sity in women - a life cycle of medical risk”
Co-author “Ob*sity and its implications for COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa”
Gave a talk for World Ob*sity day convened by the World Ob*sity Foundation whose partners including Eli Lilly (their only Platinum supporter), Currax, Vivus, Amgen, Pfizer, IFA Celtics, Boehringer Ingelheim
Roberto Vettor
From the disclosures
RV declares research grants from
Pfizer; fees for educational purposes from Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca,
and Eli Lilly; and serving on scientific advisory boards for Eli Lilly and
Novo Nordisk.
From my research
Past President of the Italian Society for Studies of Ob*sity whose main conference funding was from Novo Nordisk
A lot of research pathologizes being higher-weight
Geltrude Mingrone
From the disclosures
GM declares consulting fees from
Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Medtronic, Fractyl, and
Recor; and is a scientific advisor for Keyron, Metadeq, GHP Scientific,
and Jemyll.
From my research
Head of the Division of Ob*sity and Metabolic Disorders at Rome's Catholic University in Italy
On the Committee for Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Programme 2025 – Interactions of Infectious and Cardiometabolic Disease, dispersing $360 million in grants
And that, dear readers, is that. If you’ve made it this far you definitely deserve some kind of prize! Now that we know who is behind all of this, Part 2 will start to analyze the paper itself.
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*Note on language: I use “fat” as a neutral descriptor as used by the fat activist community, I use “ob*se” and “overw*ight” to acknowledge that these are terms that were created to medicalize and pathologize fat bodies, with roots in racism and specifically anti-Blackness. Please read Sabrina Strings’ Fearing the Black Body – the Racial Origins of Fat Phobia and Da’Shaun Harrison’s Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness for more on this.
Incredible research. Thank you for doing this. I especially appreciate the look at the authors with "lived experience" because often the expectation is they speak for others (though usually, just like here, they don't!).
Thank you for all this incredible work. It’s hard to read, emotionally, but I appreciate it intellectually. It’s sad how focused people are on the size of our bodies.