I am furious that more research isn't done about gall stones cause by these drugs. I took myself off of Trulicity when I told my PCP that I was experiencing a lot of pain under my right ribcage, and she told me to wait and see if it spread to the back. I called her a few days (and sleepless nights from the pain) later, and said it was now in my back. She said I should go to urgent care and tell them I was on a GLP-1 drug.

So they know. Confirmed by an online conversation with a physician who blithely said "well when we disrupt the digestion we know it will show up as gall stones" or something similar.

They fucking know. And they don't care because fat is worse than debilitating pain and damage to internal organs.

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I'm so sorry you went through this. I think one of the big issues with these drugs is they are allowed to list possible side effects and call it a day. Sadly I agree with you, I would bet good money that we will see them (and their stable of paid off doctors and researchers) making the argument that existing in a higher-weight body is more "dangerous" than gallstones or pancreatitis or any of the other myriad issues these drugs cause. Unbelievably frustrating.

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Thank you for continuing to research and interpret the data to provide digestible (oh puns, I can't stay mad at you), understandable information. I'm so disillusioned with healthcare in America. I haven't experienced healthcare elsewhere, it's just so slapped-together and not comprehensive or individualized to be caring enough for me.

I've been tempted to comment for a while now, perhaps with an "ask me anything" approach ("I'm on Ozempic, AMA" or "my doc has prescribed weight loss surgery, AMA" or, or, or...). Those are true statements, but this is your Substack, not mine. Just know this: I appreciate you for so many reasons, and especially for this.

* It amuses me that AMA doubles up here for those in the know: Ask Me Anything: I'm thinking about going Against Medical Advice.


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I just want to say thank you for the comprehensive research and reporting that you do. I trust the information you share. While I know it's not medical advice, nor is it intended to be, it does make me feel more educated as an advocate for my fat body and my health care.

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Thank you so much. I'm so glad to be of help (though, of course, I really wish it wasn't necessary!)

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I'll add my thanks too. I'm recovering from long covid. The amount of diet mis/dis-information on this topic is staggering. Without the education you've provided I wouldn't know how dangerous it is. Thank you 🙏

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This is super helpful information that I've been desiring for a while!

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