Sitemap - 2022 - Weight and Healthcare

Ghosts of Diet Culture Yet to Come

Friday Subscriber Discussion: New Year's Revolutions Anyone?

Ghosts of Diet Culture Present

Ghosts of Diet Culture Past

Friday Subscriber Discussion - Signs of Change

How To Solve The So-Called "Obesity Epidemic" Today

Does this Study Really Say You Can't Be Fat and Fit?

Friday Subscriber Discussion - The Best Thing

How to Tell If A "Weight Bias" Training Is Diet Culture in Disguise

Friday Subscriber Discussion - 3 (Public Health) Wishes

Let's Talk About Noom

Quick Guide: Will Weight Loss Improve/Cure This Health Condition?

Friday Subscriber Discussion - To Advocate or Not to Advocate

November AMA Answers with Dr. Asher Larmie

Reader Question - What Do You Think Of Obesity Medicine?

Friday Subscriber Discussion - Lazy Medicine

New Guidelines for Weight Loss Surgery?

Advocating for Blood Pressure Cuffs and Gowns in the ER

Friday Subscriber Discussion - Bringing Up The Research

Weight Watchers Long-Term Research

November Ask Me Anything with Special Guest Dr. Asher Larmie

Weight Watchers - Up To Their Old Tricks

Friday Discussion - Preparing for the Onslaught

Are Medicare and Medicaid Patients Required to Weigh-In?

October AMA Answers

Does This Study Really Show How To Maintain Weight Loss?

Friday Subscriber Discussion - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

Reader Question – What’s the Deal with Lark Health?

The Pure Folly of Claiming Weight Loss Is An Anti-Weight Stigma Measure

Friday Subscriber Discussion - Putting the Public in Public Health

Responding to Weight Loss Recommendations

Subscriber Bonus: Behind the Scenes of our One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary Post!

Weight Loss Research Should Be Five Years Long - At Least

Friday Discussion - We're Not In Good Hands

Understanding Weight Stigma in Healthcare Practice

October Subscriber AMA

The National Weight Control Registry's Shaky Science

Friday Discussion - O Doctor Where Art Thou?

We Must Stop Using Weight As A Proxy For Health

Reader Question: How Do I Push Back Against Workplace Weight Loss Challenges?

Friday Discussion - Putting the Support in Health Supporting Behaviors

How to Spot the Dangerous "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner" Approach to Weight Stigma

September Subscriber AMA Answers

Ways We Might Be Unintentionally Participating In Weight Stigma and Diet Culture

Friday Discussion - Why Can't WeTake A Joke

Doctors Must Stop Telling Higher-Weight Patients to "Eat Less and Exercise More"

Subscriber Bonus - A Little Good News

Debunking Five Common Arguments Against Weight-Neutral Health

Friday Discussion - What to Say When Other People Engage In Diet Culture

Matheson et al. - The Case for Weight-Neutral Health

Quick Guide to Evaluating Weight Science Research

Friday Discussion - Dealing With Family and Friends Body, Food, and Fitness Shaming

September Subscriber AMA

Reader Question - How Do I Get a Fatphobic Doctor To Help Me?

If Weight Loss Is A Prescription

Friday Discussion - Discussing Discussing

Weight Loss Sales Pitches Are Not Informed Consent Conversations

Reader Question - Are All Weight Loss Surgeries Equally Risky?

Friday Discussion - A Year Later

August Subscriber AMA Answers

How to Get the Correct Size Needle for Vaccines As A Higher-Weight Person

Reader Question - What's the Difference Between Weight-Neutral Health and Weight-Inclusive Health

Friday Subscriber Discussion: Dr. Diet Town

No, We Shouldn't "Try Anything For The Obesity Epidemic”

If You're Recommending Exercise As Medicine...

Friday Subscriber Discussion: Sold! Or Not

Weight Loss Drugs Part 3 - Wegovy and Tirzepatide

August AMA

Weight Loss Drugs Part 2 - Plenity and Alli

Friday Subscriber Discussion - You're Welcome Again

Weight Loss Drugs – A Long Line Of Losers Part 1 Fen-Phen and Belviq

Questions for Healthcare Practitioners to Ask Themselves about Weight Bias

Friday Discussion - When You're Welcome

July Subscriber AMA Answers

Reader Question - What Does It Mean For Weight To Be A Risk Factor?

How to Tell if You are Truly Concerned About Fat People’s Health

Friday Discussion - Change One Thing

Open Letter to Insurance Companies re: BMI-Based Incentives/Penalties

July Subscriber AMA

Alternatives to Common Weight Stigma-Based Phrases in Healthcare

Friday Discussion - Iatrogenic Harm

Compassion for Fat Patients Doesn't Replace Actual Healthcare

Reader Question - Is Weight-Neutral Health the Same as Size Acceptance

Friday Discussion - Gowns with No Red Carpet

Article Analysis: Should Type 2 Diabetes Management Focus on Weight Loss over Blood Sugar?

This Not, Actually, Tell-Tale Heart

Friday Discussion - Beyond Food and Movement

If You're Thinking About Offering Advice to a Fat Person About Their Health...

The Vague Future Health Threat Mistake

June Subscriber AMA Answers

Friday Discussion - Blood Pressure Shenanigans

Weight-Neutral, Non-Restrictive Blood Pressure Management

Stop telling fat patients to “just try” a too-small blood pressure cuff – Weight Stigma in Practice

Friday Discussion - Spot the Difference

Doesn't Being Higher Weight Create Higher Risk for Health Issues?

The Research Post

Friday Discussion - Warning, Warning

June Subscriber AMA

Does It Matter That Dieting Can Lead to Weight Gain?

What's the Problem With BMI And How Do We Solve It?

Friday Discussion - BMWhy?

Reader Question - What's the Difference Between Fat Activists and the Diet Industry?

The New York Times Lobbies for Diet Drugs

Friday Discussion - Tell Me Something Good

Comparing Smoking with Being Higher Weight

May Subscriber AMA Answers

Is It Anti-Weight Stigma or Diet Industry Propaganda – A Handy Guide

Friday Conversation: On the Lookout For Diet Industry Nonsense

Reader Question - What About Those Jaw Locking Weight Loss Devices

Intentional Weight Loss is Incompatible with Eating Disorders Prevention and Treatment – Even if Weight Watchers Disagrees

Friday Conversation - BMI-Based Denials

Bears, Famine, and Dieting Failure

May Subscriber AMA

Emergency Contraception and Higher Weight People

Friday Conversation - Diet Culture Myths

Weight Loss Surgery - Long-Term Outcomes and Informed Consent

Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery and Type 2 Diabetes

Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery - The Basics

Answers to April Subscriber AMA

Getting the Healthcare That Thin People Get

Friday Conversation - Research Wish List

Red Flags for Weight Stigma in Healthcare Practitioners

How to Explain Weight Stigma in Healthcare

Friday Conversation - Everybody Who's Anybody

What to do if you can’t accommodate a higher weight patient

Myths About the Failure Rate of Dieting

April Subscriber AMA (Ask Me Anything)

5 Questions with Lisa Du Breuil

Strategies for Dealing with Routine Weigh-Ins At The Doctor

Friday Conversation - Reminding Ourselves of the Truth

Why We Should End Routine Weigh-Ins

Please Stop Telling Patients to "Just Walk" For Their Health

Friday Discussion - Changing The Subject

Reader Question - What if My Doctor Believes a Health Issue is Caused by My Weight?

Higher-Weight Patients and Obstetrics

Friday Discussion - Most Ridiculous Diet Rx

Higher-Weight Patients and Fertility

Higher-Weight Patients, Gynecological Care, and PCOS

Friday Subscriber Conversation - Tips for Navigating Weight Stigma in Healthcare

5 Questions with Aaron Flores

NEW! Subscriber Monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything!)

Does Fatness Really Cost the Workplace $73 Billion a Year? A Weight Loss Company Wants You To Think So

Friday Conversation - Weight-Neutrality by Medical Specialty

Weight Loss and Informed Consent

The Deep Harm of World Obesity Day

Friday Conversation - What Can I Get For You?

Diet Culture Perpetuates Eating Disorders, There is a Solution

What Cis-Male Pattern Baldness Can Teach Us About Weight Science

Friday Discussion - Because I'm All About That Evidence

Is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Choosing Weight Stigma Over Science?

Weight Stigma In Practice - The Gynecologist Should Not Be A BYOS Party

Weight-Neutral, Non-Restrictive Blood Sugar Management Strategies

5 Questions with Marquisele (Mikey) Mercedes

Friday Conversation - But What About...?

The Harm of Weight Cycling

The Trouble with Promoting “Joyful” or “Enjoyable” Movement

Friday Conversation - Fitness Recommendations from Healthcare Providers

Novo Nordisk Brings Medical Drama Stars Into their Fatphobia-for-Profit Scheme

Friday Conversation - Most frustrating arguments around weight-neutral health

Resources to Get Joint Pain Treatment and Fight Treatment Denials


Friday Conversation - The Perfect Doctor's Appointment

Fat People and Joint Pain - Part 1

Help - My Colleague Thinks Weight Loss is a Magical Fix-All!

Friday Conversation - I Wish I Knew...

5 Questions with Dr. Gregory Dodell

Misleading Study Conclusions Part 2 - Patient Impacts

Friday Conversation - Weight-Neutral Healthcare Victories

Misleading Conclusions About Psychiatric Meds and Weight Loss - Part 1